Withdrawal of Job Offer Letter: The Only Employer's Guide You Will Need

15 - Aug - 24



1. Reasons for the Retraction of a Job Offer
2. Legal Considerations
3. Steps on How to Rescind an Offer Letter
4. Sample Rescission Letter
5. Identifying Areas of Dealing With the Fallout
6. Minimize the Need to Rescind Offers
7. Alternative Approaches
8. About Swob

When occasional cases require employers to rescind a job offer, it becomes a sensitive issue. Such an action may be taken occasionally as long as the utmost care is taken to maintain professionalism and ensure legal fallout is minimized or eliminated. This paper works to guide employers through the necessary steps and considerations when revoking an offer of employment.

Reasons for the Retraction of a Job Offer

Some typical legitimate grounds for rescinding an offer include:

  • Candidate misconduct: False information about a candidate found either on their resume or in the interview process.
  • Consideration (company financial difficulties): A response to budget cuts or financial downturns that affect the position as sustainable.
  • Internal reorganization: Business restructuring resulting in the abolition of a position.
  • Background check results: The results of background checks or references may be unfavorable.

Legal Considerations

Rescinding a job offer includes its own legal implications. Employers must protect themselves from lawsuits, being obligated to legislate specific stipulated employment laws in their actions. Considerations include:

  • At-will employment: In at-will states, either party may terminate the employment relationship at any time. However, rescinding an offer of employment must not violate anti-discrimination laws.
  • Written contracts: To the extent that a letter of employment offer is a written contract, it can generally only be withdrawn at risk of a breach of contract claim.
  • Good faith and fair dealing: Employers must exercise good faith and the concomitant sense of fair dealing to avoid any action that would constitute deception or unfairness.

Steps on How to Rescind an Offer Letter

  • Review offer letter: The conditions and terms of an offer letter are based on various contingencies.
  • Consult legal counsel: Consult the legal minds before you make a move.
  • Write clear and concise communication: A formal rescission letter should explain the reason for withdrawal clearly.
  • Breaking the news in person: Show respect and compassion by making the decision known by calling or paying a personal visit.
  • Follow-up with written confirmation: Registering the formal withdrawal of the offer with subsequent support can be considered. The candidate may be allowed to explain.

Sample Rescission Letter

Please find below a template of a rescission letter:

[Company Letterhead]


[Candidate’s Name]

[Candidate’s Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We are writing to rescind the offer of employment for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], extended to you on [Date of Offer Letter]. This decision has been made based on [specific reason, e.g., unforeseen budget constraints, findings from background checks].

Though this may be disappointing news, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may cause you. We will be very happy to reconsider your application if the circumstances change in the future.

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Contact Information]

Identifying Areas of Dealing With the Fallout

It is essential to handle any reactions or potential fallout in a professional manner after the withdrawal of the offer has been sent:

  • Answer questions: If the candidate has any questions, you will be asked, so be ready with answers.
  • Support services: Give support, if applicable, through assistance or outplacement services for things being handled.
  • Internal communication: The required rescission should be communicated to all team members to avoid confusion.

Minimize the Need to Rescind Offers

To save you from having to rescind a job offer, here are some best practices that you should adopt during the hiring process:

  • Thorough background check: Do thorough background checks and verify references before offering a job.
  • Clear communication: Ensure that every job offer is conditional based on the background checks and other pre-employment screening results.
  • Accurate job descriptions: Offer detailed and accurate job-related descriptions, leaving no loophole for doubt in roles. Financial Planning: Ensure a new employee's budget is secured and approved before extending the offer.

Alternative Approaches

It may be possible in some cases to take a different course of action rather than revoking an offer:

  • Postpone the commencement date: If the reason for revocation is temporary, then it could be viewed as postponing the candidate's commencement date instead.
  • Differing the position offer: If no availability in the primarily applied position is now available but some other suitable position does exist, offer it to the candidate.

About Swob

Swob is a recent job-finding application for pupils looking for part-time, seasonal, and entry-level jobs. Our main agenda is to make complicated processes more accessible and faster while giving relevance to freshman job search:

  • Productivity: We believe in conducting an accelerated and sped-up job application process, giving students more time to invest in their studies and personal growth.
  • Accessibility: Swob opens work opportunities to students of all backgrounds and aids them in finding suitable positions without unnecessary hindrance.
  • Support: We offer resources and support to facilitate students’ insertion into the labor market, such as advice on building good résumés and preparation for interviews.

1. Reasons for the Retraction of a Job Offer
2. Legal Considerations
3. Steps on How to Rescind an Offer Letter
4. Sample Rescission Letter
5. Identifying Areas of Dealing With the Fallout
6. Minimize the Need to Rescind Offers
7. Alternative Approaches
8. About Swob