How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome in Your Career

18 - Jul - 24



1. Feel and Recognize These Feelings
2. Make Your Thoughts More Human
3. Set Realistic Goals
4. Get Help
5. Focus on Lifelong Learning
6. Demonstrate Your Greatness
7. Practice Self-Compassion
8. Challenge Perfectionism
9. Imagine Success
10. Consult With a Professional
11. How Swob Can Help 
12. Build a Supportive Network
13. Embrace Your Successes 
14. Develop a Practice of Using Positive Statements
15. Learn More About the Imposter Cycle
16. Share Your Word

Imposter syndrome relates to a broad range of professional experiences across work and experience levels. It's a feeling that your professional skills are all fake, coupled with insecurity and a fear of being exposed as an impostor. Overcoming imposter syndrome is crucial to growth in one's career or personal life. In this light, here are some essential strategies to help you fight imposter syndrome and be a success in your career.

Feel and Recognize These Feelings

The first step in recovering from imposter syndrome is recognizing the feelings surrounding it. Realize that imposter syndrome is a common experience — even high achievers have suffered from it. When you recognize your feelings, you can take control of them.

Make Your Thoughts More Human

The feelings of "fake it until you make it" typically come from that place of negative self-talk and/or unrealistic expectations. Rephrase those thoughts; focus on the already-gained achievements and strengths. Remind yourself of the skills and qualities you continue to have that have so far served you well.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic and manageable objectives helps boost self-confidence and lessens feelings of inadequacy. Break higher tasks into smaller, easily controllable little steps, after which you can appreciate accomplishments and gains step by step. In this way, your goals will be less overwhelming and stressful.

Get Help

Sometimes, you can share what you feel with someone to bring this into proportion; this is very helpful for perspective and support. Find advisors, peers, or allies who could encourage you and describe their life stories on imposter syndrome. Sometimes, knowing you're not alone goes a long way.

Focus on Lifelong Learning

Develop a growth mindset and view everything as a learning experience. You see the world not through failure but by making mistakes that can elevate your success. From experience, this can help you become resilient and not fear failure as much.

Demonstrate Your Greatness

Keep a record of small wins — even the ones you might consider too insignificant in scope. Document your accomplishments so that you have a concrete reminder of your capabilities. Try it when in much self-doubt.

Practice Self-Compassion

Be straightforward and gentle with yourself; everyone makes mistakes. Remember, asking for help or taking a break when needed is perfectly fine. Be kind and understanding with yourself, just as you would be with a close friend.

Challenge Perfectionism

Perfectionism can also fuel imposter syndrome through an unrealistic demand for perfection. To gauge perfectionistic tendencies, you might want to challenge yourself to be more realistic and consider that "good enough" is just that in most cases. Therefore, focus on progress rather than the need to have it all perfect.

Imagine Success

These visualization techniques help a person increase his confidence and reduce his anxiety. Take a few moments every day to imagine yourself having done and succeeded in everything. In its own way, this is a mental kind of rehearsal, which helps it gain confidence and be ready for real situations.

Consult With a Professional

Seeking professional help may be suitable if feelings from an imposter syndrome overwhelm or interfere with one's overall wellness or career. A therapist or counselor will treat you by teaching different techniques and giving support to deal with and equate with imposter syndrome.

How Swob Can Help

Swob aims to help job seekers on their career exploration journey. It removes the pressure of job searching and career breaking using tools and resources. Swob will make sure you only get a job match for what you're interested in and the skills you have. This can enhance your confidence by opening up opportunities for those things you are most likely to succeed at and minimizing feelings of inadequacy.

Build a Supportive Network

Surround yourself with friends or family members to encourage and give you constructive feedback. They help you remain grounded and confirm your worth in times of trial.

Embrace Your Successes

Learn to accept and celebrate your successes no matter how small they may seem; you worked hard and used your desired abilities to gain those successes. Celebrating successes can strengthen and support a positive self-image, counteracting the impostor self.

Develop a Practice of Using Positive Statements

Integrate good daily affirmations, such as "I am capable, competent," or "I am deserving of everything good that comes my way," among others, into your daily activities. Such affirmations are a great booster of the mindset.

Learn More About the Imposter Cycle

Find out the patterns and stimulation of your imposter syndrome. It is essential to know the imposter cycle because it is the series of activities that lead to the adoption of feelings of inadequacy. This awareness can help you break this cycle and develop healthier ways of overcoming these feelings.

Share Your Word

Talking about your experiences helps normalize this conversation and, thus, eventually remove its stigma. Your disclosure of these kinds of struggles impels others to feel safe, opening up an encouraging environment for everyone.

1. Feel and Recognize These Feelings
2. Make Your Thoughts More Human
3. Set Realistic Goals
4. Get Help
5. Focus on Lifelong Learning
6. Demonstrate Your Greatness
7. Practice Self-Compassion
8. Challenge Perfectionism
9. Imagine Success
10. Consult With a Professional
11. How Swob Can Help 
12. Build a Supportive Network
13. Embrace Your Successes 
14. Develop a Practice of Using Positive Statements
15. Learn More About the Imposter Cycle
16. Share Your Word